Taiwan Trademark Registration
About Trademark in Taiwan

Trademark Authority
Applicant is required to submit their trademark application to the Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. for examination in order to obtain trademark rights and protection in Taiwan.
Filing requirements and Required Documents
For an application for a trademark registration in Taiwan should contain:
1. Trademark specimen/ logo
2. Applicant's details:
a. Individuals - Identity & Address Proof
b. Corporation (Limited Company) - A Copy of Business Registration Certificate/ Certificate of Incorporation
3. Description of goods and services
4. A signed Power of Attorney (filed within 3 months from application date)
Duration of Trademark
The duration of Trademark is 10 years from the date of registration.
Renewal of Trademark
The trademark owner may apply for the renewal of the registered trademark 6 months before the expiration, and can be renewed every 10 years.
Tips for registered Taiwan trademark
Trademark Color :Black & White or Colored
(Black & White will be suggested; fewer elements of the TM, more rights can be exercised in future)